Saturday, March 5, 2011

Forgot USB Cord

Ran 11.25 miles this morning with group from work. Meet at Soos Creek Trail in Kent and ran around Young's Lake. It was rolling hills, a tad muddy in places, but the weather was perfect!

Worked at Total Sports from 11:45 - 4 today while Mark officiated a lax game and then coached Matt's baseball practice.

Beef and Bean Burritos for dinner. I got the recipe off of "The Pioneer Woman's" blog. I'm sort of addicted to her right now.

Took pictures today of Total Sports so I could post on my blog when I got home. Forgot the USB cord at Total Sports but remembered the camera. Go figure. Maybe tomorrow!!

This is the bench that Luke made in wood shop and gave me for Christmas. I love it!! He did a fabulous job. I'm very proud of my bench.