Tuesday, August 28, 2012


On August 14, Lucas flew to Anchorage en route to Kodiak, Alaska where he would meet up with his Uncle Rob and cousin Bobby.  Rob lives in Bellingham with his family during the year and has spent the last 37 summers in Alaska commercial fishing.  This was Luke's first time in Alaska.  He loved every minute of it.

Luke and I before boarding his plane. 

His original plan was to, in one day, fly out of Seatac, land in Anchorage, fly out of Anchorage land in Kodiak and then depending on where Rob was fishing, he was either going to:
A) get picked up by Barbara (Rob's finishing partners wife, who lives in Kodiak), and she would have put him on a sea plane to fly out to Rob's boat
B) stay at Barbara's for a night until Rob got back in town
C) Rob would have picked him up if he was in town.

Well. . . . . . . . . . when it's foggy in Kodiak nobody flys in or out.

When the last flight out of Anchorage to Kodiak was cancelled. Luke was going to have to spend the night in the anchorage airport or they (Alaska airlines) would have put him up in a hotel. Yikes. 14 years old, all alone in anchorage. Momma was a little stressed.

But. . . .

I have dear sweet friends. . . . .

I have a friend Kerry who works for Alaska airlines and helped us A LOT through these transitions, that's what I'll call them.

I have a friend Kate.

Kate and Kerry are friend too.

Kate and Kerry were out walking while their boys were at soccer practice. Kerry mentions to Kate that she wished she knew someone that lives in anchorage (blah blah blah - explains why).

Kate calls her friend Nichole  who use to babysit for Kate and now lives in Anchorage with her husband and son.  Before I knew it Nichole was at the anchorage airport ready to pick up Luke.   She lives 15 minutes from the airport.

This is Nichole (a little angel from above)

Luke ended up spending the night at their house.  She made him homemade banana pancakes.  He got to babysit Tyler, Nichols son, while Nichole had a meeting the next morning.  Good, earned his keep.  She had him back at the airport in time for his flight, the first flight out of anchorage to Kodiak in 2 days.  Lucky he got on.

Luke and Tyler

He made it to Kodiak.  Rob was in town and was able to pick him up. 

These are halibut that Luke caught with a pole.  Luke just caught these pole fishing for fun.  They were really catching salmon.  Lots of salmon.
A boat like Robs.

Kodiak, Alaska

Love that smile

 The deck hands


Luke's bunk was bottom on the right.


That's cousin Bobby.  We are going to name him Grizzly Adams.

This pictures is special.  Uncle Rob named his boat after his brother that was killed 25 years ago.  His name was Kip.   

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


I'm not sure if this was a comment or a question from Matt:  "Mom, are you going to continuing to become more annoying as I get older". 

I about fell off my chair in laughter.  I'm taking it as a compliment.  Means I'm doing my job and I'm doing it very well. 

Monday, August 20, 2012

Girly Hike/Kayaking

Last weekend we had our annual "Girly Hike". 

We were minus 3 ladies, but still managed to have fun, laugh, eat too much and drink lots of wine without them. 

Our "girly hike" tradition started several years ago backpacking into a camp site on Chinook Pass, spending the night and backing back out.

Last year we decided to go up to Henry Island (my aunt is the care taker at the Seattle Yacht Club Out Station).  We did a day hike, slept in-doors, had hot showers and running water. 

This year we were back at Henry Island, are you surprised?  

We didn't even hike on "girly hike" weekend. 

We kayaked.  It was awesome!!!

Here we are arriving at Roche Harbor. 

Auntie Marcia picking us up in the Yacht club boat.  This is her work boat.

This is the house for the care-taker of the Seattle Yacht Club Out station.  This is where Auntie M lives.


The green house 

The Pump House.  Marcia has to process all the water.
Pulling in the crab pots.

This is Dave.  Auntie M's boyfriend.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Mt. Biking with Luke & Mark

Thursday, August 9th, I took the day off.  Mark, Luke and I went to Issiquah and went Mt. biking at Duthie Hill Park.  Oh my!!! Fabulous single track trails.  It was completely awesome.  My friend, Dave Chapman, from work told me about this place. 

I must have been standing in a hole. 

After we road we went to North Bend and went school clothes shopping for Luke.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Wedding Day

Briar and Briana's wedding day.  Pictures are in reverse order in which they happened. 


Cutting the Cake

Tossing the bouquet

Ring Ceremony

Jennifer and her man, Kyle

The yummy food.  Isn't it pretty?

98 guest at a sit down dinner in the orchard!  It was awesome!!!

My BFF and I!  Isn't she bea-ti-ful!!
Me and my cute boyfriend (a.k.a. Jennifer's dad)!!!wink*wink*

The table!

Briar and his mama

Mr. & Mrs. Briar Carlisle