Thursday, July 28, 2011


Don't ask God to make your life easier ask Him to make you stonger.

A friend of mine (he's actualy a past employee of mine) posted this on FaceBook the other day. Loved it!!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Kids - I just love em!

Paxton and Ryan spent the night Friday night after they went to the Kenny Chesney concert at the Tacoma Dome. On their way home they stopped by the shop to see me. Aren't they so cute!

The boys headed out Saturday morning at 7:30 am en route to Burlington to play in a soccer tourney. Jake, Luke, Matt and Jared. Cute boys - they are going to have fun.

So Mom is home all alone. Oh darn, what's a girl to do with an empty house all to herself. Don't worry I'll be just fine. : )

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Momma Got Her Camera Back

Typical Luke picture . . . . I tried!

This helicopter was flying down the river tonight (this happens quite a bit). Usually you can hear them fly down the river and then they are gone. This one would fly down the river and then turn and come right over our yard. He made about 3 laps right over us. We think he was hunting for something.

Monday, July 18, 2011


I still do not have my camera.

This weekend was the first weekend we have had that we did not have anything on the calender. Well besides work at the shop and Luke had soccer practice on Saturday for 1 1/2 hours. It was lovely not having to drive anywhere.

This was also my first 3 day weekend. I requested that I work longer days Mon-Thurs during the summer so I could have Friday off and they approved my request. Yipeee!!!!

My computer at home has a virus so I feel so out of touch not having been on FB or Blogging all weekend. Couldn't wait to get to work to get on my computer. . . . hahahha

We watched the movie Green Hornet on Saturday, it was good. We watched True Grit last nights. I went to bed at 10 so didn't finish watching it. The boys thought it was a little dry and boring. It seemed ok. I think Mark really liked it.

Matt spent the night at Eric Knutson's on Saturday night. Jake Wright spent the night with Luke last night. Cute boys!

We did have the baseball party at our house on Friday night (so I guess we did have a few things on the calender). All the boys showed except for 2. Not to bad since the season ended a month or so ago. We had hot dogs, pasta salad, chips and brownies. Now if that's not a "baseball, hot-dogs, apple pie, and Chevrolet" kinda meal I don't know what is.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I forgot my camera in Bellingham. We went up for the 4th of July.

Let's see . . . . .what's been going on with us:

Boys went to Total Sports Lax camp last week at Pacific Lutheran University. They had a blast. This was Mark's first overnight camp as 'Camp Director'. He learned a lot and I think all the kids had fun, with no real issues that arose. Not to bad for 3 nights, 2 full days, 2 - 1/2 days, 30 campers, and 4 coaches.

I got home from work last night and the house was clean and smelled very good. My first thought was . . . . oh no what did they break? The living room was vacuumed, kitchen was mopped.

I posted this on Facebook, but I just can't believe it so I'm posting it on my Blog too: We bought Lucas' cleats on Saturday and they were size 11. W-T-Heck. Them aren't shoes, them are skis!!!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Two in Middle School

Matt and his posse; Michael, Matt, Erin and of course Adrian. This is their last day of grade school.Luke and Matt spent last week on the farm with Grammy and Grandpa. This is what Luke did a lot of I'm sure. Poor birdies. This is what he shot the first day. That evening there were several birdies (little birdies) hopping around the yard looking for their parents. Opps!

This is what Matt and Grammy did I lot of I bet. Nice form Grammy. Grandpa better back up she's going to hit it over his head.

Luke and Emmitt.

Matt was in a Chumash Tourney on Saturday. Chumash is a modified 3 on 3 lacrosse game. They lost in the semi-finals. They were the Lax Bros; Henry, Matt, Thane, Quinalt and Ben. It's a very fun game to watch. It was hot. They were spent and exhausted.