Monday, August 29, 2011


On Saturday the 4 of us drove to Aurora, Oregon (it's about 14 miles south of Portland) to attend Brian Johnson's wedding. Brian is Nate's cousin on his mom's side. Brian married Alea a sweet, beautiful, young lady. Brian's parents are Bob and Pat Johnson (Pat is Nate's mom's sister), they are a great family. Very supportive of Mark and I and the boys. They treat us like family. Brian and his brother (Drew) still call Mark, Uncle Mark. Pat cried when she hugged Mark at the wedding. They are just a special family to us.

I didn't take great pictures at the wedding. Actually I took some very odd pictures. Not sure what I was thinking. Maybe I wasn't.

Happy Brothers, glad to be at the wedding, where nobody (really nobody) was their age, setting in the direct 90 degree sunshine.

The parentals.

The wedding was at Langdon Farms Golf Course. Very cool place. After the wedding ceremony (while bride and groom had pictures) you could go to the driving range and hit golf balls and drink beer, there was a keg of Coors light. It was fun. Hot wedding guest, drinking cold beer, in the sunshine, on empty stomachs, swinging golf clubs. No. . .it' wasn't that bad.

This is the only picture I have of Alea. She is beautiful.

This is Brian. He is handsome.

Brian is a firefighter. These are his co-workers. They wanted to dress up and be casual at the same time. I think they nailed it.

Mark and Henry (he is Bob - father of groom- co-worker). Henry is one of the funniest people I have ever met.

We spent the night at cousin Marc and Andea Wildfangs house in Portland. They were not home so we just crashed at their pad. They have a sweet, cute house. We went to Village Coffee for coffee and a muffin (breakfast).

I'll explain this in person. If you want to know, ask me.

Matt and I icing our arms. Matt had his 6th grade shot on Friday and I think he had a little reaction because it was red, puffy and swollen where the shot was given.

Never mind the ice packs look at my Basil - isn't it gorgeous!

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