My Girls; Sawyer in the top picture and Emery in lower picture. We went to Eltopia for Easter. First time I've spent Easter with my mom and dad since I've been married. It was a quick trip. My blog is acting funny so you are going to get 2 blogs with Easter pictures.

Saturday Matt had a baseball game and a lax game at the same time. He choose b-ball. This is Levi, he is a younger brother of one of the players. I love Levi he is a hoot!!! ta boot!! The kid cracks me up! He entertained himself for about an hour in this dirt pile.

Matt got a cleat to the shin. Ouch - it was a great bruise that he got a lot of attention from his grandma on Sunday. He loved the attention. He's icing his leg in this pic.

He was the starting pitcher. They won 9-8. I think that was the score. Lucas had a lax game in Seattle. Mark got the lax game I got the b-ball game. So Luke got no pictures taken, but his team won 13-2 or something like that. I can't remember - that was like 5 days ago!
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