Monday, March 28, 2011


It's late (9:41 pm) and I just got home. Well, I was home at 4:45 pm from work. Matt's baseball game was cancelled so evening plans changed. Luke and I went to Home Depot because he wanted to buy material to make a potato gun. Home Depot had everything but one piece that the needed, so after Home Depot we went to Lowe's, they had the piece he needed. During the visits to Home Depot, Lowe's and Target (had to get dog food) he was texting Kari to spend the night. Confirming that Kari was going to spend the night, Vic (Kari's mom) texted me and asked if I could stay for a glass of juice (code word for glass of wine, not really code word but you know what I mean) when I swung by to pick up Kari. Of course I could stay for a glass of wine! After opening 4 bottles of wine (she went bargain hunting at Grocery Outlet and didn't like any of the bottles she was opening) we drank (had a glass of) bottle #5. Tasted fine. Mark showed up later with Matt and had a drink with Steve (Kari's Dad, Vic's husband). So now I am home and ready for bed, but knew I had to blog b/c Jenifer would be waiting for something. : ). Oh yeah - Luke and Kari are out in the garage building the potato gun. I really hope they have all their appendages attached when I get home from work tomorrow. Boone had a tick yesterday that I had to pull out of the side of his face - GROSS!!!! Matt is home this evening, but I'm sure he will make plans with somebody by tomorrow morning. It's suppose to start raining tomorrow for a couple of days. Yuck! Saw Jeff (my brother) today. Stopped by his work to drop off a gift (long story, wont go into it). We work 3 blocks away from each other. Now if you would have told me that 25 years ago that we would be working in Seattle 3 blocks away from from each other I would have laughed. What are the odds of the 2 quietest kids in Mesa Elementary going to Seattle? Oops should probably turn that 25 into a 30 if I'm talkin Elementary. - Gosh I'm old. Remember, I'm writing this blog on a glass of cheap wine! Good Night (10:06 pm, it's 6 minutes past my bed time)!

1 comment:

Jennifer Berry said...

you crack me up about your brother...and about the quietest kids!