Sunday, February 20, 2011

I want to be a blogger

I hate writing. Really, I don't care for it at all but I wish I was better at it. I know, as it is with anything, you have to practice to improve and what a better place to practice than on a blog. Not sure what I'm going to blog about, maybe just daily life stuff, or running, or the interesting things you see, hear and witness being a coaches wife or growing up on a farm, or nutrition or politics; now that can always be a dicey subject. I think what I dislike about writing was self inflicted. I didn't pay much attention to Ms Volker and Mr. Collie in high school English class. Yes, I was much more intersted in who I was sitting by, who was the cutest in class and where the volleyball game was for the weekend. At that time in my life I could have given a rats behind about all the grammer that was involved in proper writing. Now I'm paying for it. I think I'm first just going to write and see what comes out of it. I will include pictures, because I think pictures can say a thousands words. I really do believe that. Like at this picture. These 2 boys are my pride and joy. They are what make me keep going when days get tough and life throws things at me that I don't want to deal with.

1 comment:

Jennifer Berry said...

I love you LeeLee!! Your boys are my favorites also!!