Here is cousin Marc and his fiance Andrea in Walla Walla Wine tasting during Thanksgiving. On Sunday I meet up with Auntie MJ, Nikki, Emery & Sawyer on to go shopping for the "mother of the groom" dress. She found one and it's perfect. It was sure fun shopping with girls. We had a fun day and MJ looked fabulious.

Emery trying on a dress. She loved twirling in them.

Sawyer is the best baby girl in the world. She does not cry. Well, her mom and dad don't agree with me, but I've never seen her really cry very hard. She's so cute.

Nikki's friend forever, Rachel, met us for coffee in the morning. Rachel has a almost 2 year old little boy and is 21 weeks pregnant and was just diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma. Keep her in your prayers.

Ok - This is our friend Steve. Steve is a pilot for UPS (What can brown do for you? you know the saying - he says "what can you do that's brown"?hahaha). We've know them for 5 years or so now and I have never ever seen him in his work attire. Keep in mind since we have never seen him in his work attire and his schedule will be on 2 weeks off 2 weeks, on 4 days off 6 says . . .so on and so forth. . . .(another example, this is his first day of going back to work for 96 days straight) we all tease him that he don't really have a job. So when he dropped Kari (his daughter who is friends with Lucas) off the other morning he was dressed and headed to work so I just had to take a picture. I have proof now!!
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OK, you have been tagged. Go to my blog and find out what to do!! This is all thanks to Hunter!! (-:
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