Can you believe it. I still have not heard if I have been awarded the new contract for the fitness center where I am currently at. I submitted my bid on February 17. The current contract ends March 31st. Just waiting. . . . . . . . . patiently . . . . . . . . . . . to hear . . . . . . . . .. .what the selection is. IN THE MIDDLE OF WRITING THIS I GOT
I want you to know I think of posting on my blog everyday and then somehow my day is over and the blog never gets posted. I guess that's just how my life is these days. It's blowing by fast and furiously.
Here are a few things:
1. Finished The Help. Now I want to see the movie.
2. Matt started his baseball season. We are 0-2. Ouch. He did have a nice hit on Monday night. First inning, first at bat, hit a nice 'clothesline' double up the middle. It was pretty. We wont' talk about the next two at bats for the night.
3. Both boys had lacrosse games last weekend. Luke was in Kitsap at 10 am, they won 22-2. It wasn't a fun game. It was one of those where you just wanted it to be over, both sides wished that, I'm sure. Matt's game was at 6:45 pm in Auburn under the lights. That always makes it "way cooler". They beat North Seattle 17 - 12.
4. On our way to Kitsap we picked up Nate in Gig Harbor. He is home for his spring break. He also came out on Sunday for dinner. It was nice to have all 5 of us around the dinner table. That's something only a mom gets, isn't it?
5. This last week Matt has been going to try outs for tackle football. There are 3 clubs in our area; Wolfpack, Jr. Hornets and Raptors. Jr. Hornets club really want him to come play quarterback for them. He has had several parents ask him what his plan is, the coach has called him, and spoke to him after his baseball game. He has been eating up the attention. He is totally in his element. He decided to play for the Jr. Hornets. He called the coach last night to tell him. It's pretty cute watching him grow in this process.
6. My quote for the week: If you do what you always did, You will get what you always got!
7. Today is my Grandma Ditto's Birthday. I still miss her, a lot!!!!