Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Matt wanted to make cookies tonight. Matt mixed up the batter, Luke helped and Mark finished baking them when he got home.

You'll see why I titled this Persistance with the final picture, as long as you know Luke you'll understand.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Last week we had lots of activity happening at the facility on Wednesday night.

Little Lax Camp

Select Basketball Tryouts

Soccer Practice

There was even Volleyball Clinic and Speed and Agility Class but I didn't get there in time to snap a few photos.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Favorite Picture of the Week


The weekend started with lunch with my Mom, Dad and brother in Seattle at Espresso By Design.
Got home from work and Adrian, Matt & Eric were at the house.
They went to their first girl/boy Halloween Party.

Dropped the boys off at the Halloween Party and went and picked Mark up at work. We went and had a beer at Bootleggers before we went to the . . . . .

High School football game. They lost to Franklin Pierce.#34 is Mikey O'Connor, he's one of the only boys we know on the team.

Saturday morning Matt had a football game. The killed their opponent.

Dad and I ran Sunday morning.

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Matt's flag football season started Saturday with a double header (is that what you call it in football?); with games at 9 and 10 am. 9 am game they lost by a touchdown. 10 am game they won by a touchdown.

Nice Port-O-Potties in the back ground.

The games are played at the High School. There are 3 flag football games going on at one time. I took a couple of pictures of our field. I love the trees behind the score board, they are so pretty this time of year.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


This picture was taken this summer on Henry Island during the annual "Girly Hike" weekend. I think the picture kinda sums it up that we had a great time; 10 ladies, many, many bottles of wine, chocolate, crab and tons of laughs.

We are imitating Inez, my Grandma Fernie's friend. If you knew Inez I don't need to explain the picture. Cheers to Grandma Fernie and Inez; I know they were both chuckling from up above at us as we all broke out into laughter and did "The Inez Laugh".

I don't remember exactely how Inez was brought up during the weekend. But it sure stuck!!! Fun, fun weekend.