Here is our December. The pictures are posted in reverse order (goes from Dec. 31 - 1).

Went to Mom and Dad's between Christmas and New Years. We helped them paint and work on their new house. Notice what whey painted on the wall?? we had a very fun time.

Dec. 26 Trina took us through a Boot Camp exercise class. It was a cool, cold, crisp beautiful morning in Bellingham

The last kids on the block to finally get a Wii, their Nana & Papa suprized them. They were very excited.

Bobby, Ellie, Nate, Lucas and Matt on Christmas morning at Bob and Sally's

Getting the plate ready for Santa on Christmas Eve.

Bobby and Lucas after a hunt at mom and dad's house. Mark and Luke went hunting with Rob (brother-in-law) and Bobby (nephew) the week before Christmas. They had a great time.

Bobby and Rob and Gracie Girl (the dog)

Mark and Luke and Boone

We had a last minute Christmas party with some friends. Santa showed up to HoHoHo all the kids. Luke, Marcus, Cedrik, Eva, Kari, Matt and Santa

After Lucas last soccer game. It was a 'mud bowl'. The kids chased Coach Mark and dropped him in the biggest mud puddle on the field after teh game. What a way to end the season!! It was great. The team started out the season stuggling and losing every game. Then mid-season it all started to click and they ended up winning their last 4 or 5 games. Fun times!

The 'Mud Pit'