Lucas and Boone during the snowfall today
Mark and the Boys

on Sunday - picture taken before the "big snow"
The Barbers came over on Saturday night
The 'Gamers' - I don't even think they knew I took their picture
Luke, Justin, William and Cody
Well. . . . I got a suddle, friendly, little reminder from Jen today that my last post was on Dec. 1st. Hahaha thanks - I've been introduced to Facebook and have been posting pictures and what not on that and have completely neglected my blog. Jesse and I are the only people from our class who I've been connected to on Facebook. Where in the hell are the rest of you '87 CHS Eagles???
Let's see it's been snowing and cold here the last couple of days. The kids had no school Wednesday, Thursday (today) and school is already cancelled for tomorrow. In other words we started our Christmas vacation 3 days early. The boys are thrilled (they won't be when we are still in school until June15). and played in the snow all day. They both had friends come over. I went and picked up the friends. Our hill is to hairly scare if you don't have 4 wheel drive I don't advise people to come down. Or you end up like every other dig bat in the ditch or smashed into the side rail who tried to make it up. . . . Mark actually parked the truck at the top (a lot of people do this) of the hill so we have at least one vehicle available. I should be able to get my Yukon up in the morning but it was a bit slippy sliddy coming home tonight after dropping off the friends.
I'm not ready for Christmas yet, at all, and now the kids are out of school. I would be happy just celebrating without gifts. I think that is why I love Thanksgiving so much. The family gets together eats, drinks and has a great time and no gift giving, no going out spending money we don't have on gifts I'm not sure if people will really like. I still have a hard time with why we buy gifts to celebrate the birth of Jesus. I just want to celebrate this most precious and special birth with out the gifts. Bah hum bug I'm the Christmas Scrooge.
Peace Out!